Escape door - get the gate of life
Our world will be full of danger.
Construction and system everyday to help us from the fire, personal injury and other suchdangerous design. We often behoove that such systems will provide some security measures for us, but even so, they still affect our daily life. We set fire and life safety codes, is to ensure thatbuildings are properly designed, installed in the system, so when the fire occurs we can quicklyevacuated. Security and access control system can protect us from the threat of personal injury.
The design of a reliable, efficient, easy to use and easy to operate and safe access control systemneeds to consider how to run in the company or in the building. For example, how can you beauthorized access laboratory or employees of the area you restrict the free import and generalaccess, but also allow them to withdraw from that in case of an emergency? Do you suffer fromdisgruntled, previously jealous of your employees or strangers on the street to attack you? Ifemployees or visitors hold the door open the door, you want your how effective access controlsystem? We can do is take control measures, but also meet the requirements of all local andnational fire? We always do not care about these threats, until the consequences be unbearable to contemplate in the national, broadcast news, then we just hasty action, to ensure that our staff is not in such a threat.
The use of science and technology to deal with such contradictions can create a more secure andcomfortable environment. All the door staff, distribute a key period has passed. Equipped with an anti access control system technology, trailing drag box door alarm and automatic door openingdevice, recommended the use of electrified door hardware products, such as the bolt retractiondevice, delay out equipment, inside out and latch + delay electronic hook outlet device. Theseproducts can provide better protection and convenience, to avoid the occurrence of unbelievablesituation.
Delay out exit device can prevent people from security duty exit, this device will flow control in a particular, monitored by security personnel in the hallway. Delay out device can be electronicequipment and automatic door bolt retraction device combination, and used in access control system, so that the workers with free access to laboratory, but also control the visitors and staff. 15 seconds of delay time provides the reaction time to open the door before the staff, have help to avoid a dangerous situation. All equipment must be combined with the use of delay out fire alarmcontrol device, so as to ensure fire safety and timely evacuation of people.
Access control system and temporary visitor badges have been widely used in most commercial and industrial buildings, but no matter how the size of the building, anti trailing techniques can also be used in the control that only authorized personnel access restricted area. If someone tries tofollow through with a sensitivity of authorized personnel and equipped with expensive equipment or personnel or students recording device security door, anti trailing system will alarm. Even if someone has passed the access control system is the most sophisticated, even open the door, but a simple door with alarm device, it can eliminate the threat, and to ensure that the system will as expected for ease of use.